The Ides of March (2011)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2011
Genre: Drama
Director: George Clooney
Starring: Ryan Gosling, George Clooney, Philip Seymour Hoffman
Idealistic staffer for a new presidential candidate gets a crash course on dirty politics during his stint on the campaign trail.
IDEs of March is not a back-alley for those who seek power, its morality among the many things to wrestle in front of a story a story about the things he felt were the way to go and things to do because it will be better in the long run. It is a political melodrama, but it just as easily have been writing about business and high finance. Its very cynical, to drive home his points with a large cast, and still has not managed to be heavy handed or preachy. In fact, this really is not Steven Myers, Governor Mike Morris (George Clooney), who is a top aide to the president ran on movie.Ryan GOSLING completely good or bad guys anywhere, at the present state of the game is being played, Ohio. Morris representatives Ohios, definitely, without a doubt, is pretty much the Democratic nomination, and the film's weak field of Republicans themselves (the best) when applicable. All this means, of course, as Ohio goes, so will be the president of the primary.Morris so theres a lot riding on the same campaign is Paul Zara, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, a veteran of many cutthroat campaigns. Zara and experience, however, Morris, many of the young (ish) aide Steven becomes less jaded, more to earn an honest perspective. (Of course, by doing so, Morris simply do not care about someone who for four years or so down the road, trying to listen to his next post.) As the majority of Employees, Steven Morris believes, is his own man, if elected president, a sign of good things to think about said. It is the prototypical ideal aide, the right thing will win out over the will, in his opinion. It is definitely not completely naïve backdoor politics, but his organization, his analysis, his sagacity, and his desire to endear him.Even what is Steven Morris Mr. Perfect, auto-correct do-gooder, and the savvy, and buttons knows how to push. , Does know, however, that the reliability of the main obstacles to the success of this recognition, and not because of other people, means, and other debt that is not much when it comes to EU policy. For example, simply press (in the person of Marisa Tomei) the occasional tidbit of food means that the media Morris.Somewhere for an extended PR arm is along the line, Steven reaches the breaking point, a place where loyalty is the most important on his plate. At this point the decision is the result of two quite bad, no one knows he is a bad idea immediately, and another that seems a little more innocent? but then, Steven underestimate the petty, parochial, and these companies can be vindictive. His paranoia about certain level. You need to take in order to deal with some problems, but it has much more to your soul TTAP jiffy.Clooney, also has directed, looks and sounds presidential, but it definitely is not the focus of the film, as the 'Great Good Night, and Good Luck, the strong support character . Mike Morris, Steven Myers on about things you dont like that, and thats one of the reasons for the film? We focus on the moral struggle, and his assumption as a sitting governor, who hand-selected Morris.The battle on a long cast is excellent. We do not only Clooney, Hoffman, Tomei, and GOSLING, we also get Paul Giamatti as campaign opponents governors. Each scene seems to steal, and to share what they are. Even Evan Rachel Wood, Morris, New camp as an intern, a clear, visible March IDEs that becomes all the performance.Its wont. It is, as I said, cynical? rightly so. It wont let you hopeful about, well, anything. Nobody who has really encouraged and there is no one whom you really underestimate. Realism in lieu of hope, for these reasons they will be taking part in these campaigns. His determination, key effective melodrama.
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