Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2002
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Director: Chris Columbus
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson
Harry not only plagued by mysterious attacks and a strange voice haunting him at school and warned not to return to Hogwarts to find ignore.
If you liked the first then you're going to love it! Theres gloomy mood this time around and more characters are introduced including Hilderoyu Lockhart (Kenneth Branagh playing fun), Draco Malfoy father, Lucius (a great performance by Jason Isaacs as I imagined the characters from the books), Parent Rons, Arthur, and the mysterious Dobby Brownie Elf (fortunately, it is not anywhere near as annoying as symbols of CG, the other in the other films, but I will not mention any names ... * cough * cough * JarJarBinks *) This film sticks closely to the novel, but in the movie we missed some scenes where we begin to learn a little more about the characters, especially hate hatred between Harry and Professor Snape (who seriously underused in this film!) In general, it's definitely worth checking timing 160 minutes can seem a little long, but it does not seem that long when Youre watching. By the way, whatever you do not wait until the loan is not over, if not you miss the little extra pleasure ...
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